Lasting Post
The purpose of Lasting Post is to help people following the death of a loved one with free independent advice on all the tasks that will need to be completed and the matters that may need to be addressed.

When Someone Dies
Following the death and at a time when the deceased person's family are trying to cope with their grief and come to terms with their loss, they will be faced with a number of urgent tasks that will need to be completed.

Arranging a Funeral
The funeral will usually take place within a week to ten days of a person's death. A number of decisions will need to be taken in a short space of time to ensure that all arrangements are made.

Usually, a grant of probate will be required if the deceased person left a will or a grant of letters of administration if they didn't leave a will and died intestate.

Valuing the Estate
Whatever the financial circumstances of the deceased person, their financial affairs will need to be sorted out following the grant of probate or the grant of letters of administration.

Financial Considerations
Gone are the days when only the very rich paid Inheritance Tax. An increasing number of families are finding themselves receiving a tax bill following the death of a loved one.

Help with Bereavement
The period of grieving can vary enormously but it is now generally accepted that it can take two years to recover from the loss of someone very close.

Plan Ahead
Plan Ahead is to help people make arrangements for the future and for use in the event of their death including legal and financial considerations and personal wishes for their funeral.